How Big Is Your God?

Psalm 121 (NIV) —

‘I lift up my eyes to the hills - Where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, The maker of heaven and earth.

The Lord will keep you from all harm.

He will watch over your life - the Lord will watch over your coming and going,

both now and for evermore.’

Let's take a few minutes to be quiet and still, meet with God and listen to his voice. This poem by Graham Kings (Nourishing Connections) helps me to get into an openness and a place to hear better.


I leave aside my shoes, my ambitions;

undo my watch, my timetable.

Take off my glasses, my views.

Put down my keys, my security.

To be alone with you, the only true God.

After being with you,

I take up my shoes to walk in your ways;

strap on my watch to live in your time.

Put on my glasses to look at your world;

clip on my pen to write up your thoughts;

pick up my keys to open your doors.

Read the passage slowly and out loud. Take your time and stop at a word or phrase you feel God highlighted to you.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love looking at mountains or, better still, being at the summit. Take a moment to recall a mountain scene: is it winter snow-covered or summer green with gentle streams flowing into a lake? Can you imagine the colours, the freshness and purity of the air?

Did you feel exhilarated? Were you tired after a long climb or excited about to ski down?

The size, the beauty, the majesty - can we even begin to understand how great is our creator God?

I can feel overwhelmed that this huge God watches over my life, how about you?

How do you feel about God keeping you from harm all your life?

He knows what we are up to - our comings and goings and watches over us.

Maybe take time to express your gratitude and love. 

Maybe ask forgiveness for making our God too small.

Prayer - You are a majestic God who created the world, yet you know us and watch over our lives, keeping us from harm. We are eternally grateful.


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