Crazy Love

Matthew 26:6 - 9 (NKJV) —

‘And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, ‘Why this waste? For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor.’

I’ve been reading a lot about the true meaning of worship recently. Worship is to show love and adoration for something. The primary goal of our worship is to bless God.

I think that sometimes we have complicated worship and I feel an invitation from the Lord to simplify and go back to basics: the foundations of life with Christ; receiving the love he has for me and pouring out my love on him. What an honour and privilege it is that the Saviour of the world loves us, thinks about us, walks with us - and we get to love him in response to this.

What I love about today’s scripture is that the woman with the alabaster jar poured out oil that amounted to more than a year's worth of wages and yet she still believed Jesus was more than worthy of the sacrifice. It challenged me to think about how worship can be costly for me. How can I give my all?

I wonder if sometimes we give God a good part of us but unconsciously deny him the ‘all'. I wonder if sometimes it's hard for us to surrender certain parts of our lives because it feels too costly.

Let's be encouraged to shift the posture of our hearts into constant surrender even if it's costly. It’s about letting his love move us into deeper surrender. I am personally challenged and want to encourage you to take this sacrifice of worship into your every day and not just in corporate times of singing. Let's dare to ask the question ‘God what does it look like to surrender everything to you today?’ May our lives be devoted and surrendered to Jesus every day. Just like the woman with the alabaster jar.

Prayer: Lord, teach us to receive the fullness of what you did for us on the Cross. In return may we be moved in love to pour our sacrifice of prayer and surrender at your feet.




There’s A Table