Fix Me

Psalm 96:12-14

Let Wilderness turn cartwheels,
Animals, come dance,
Put every tree of the forest in the choir—

An extravaganza before God as he comes,
As he comes to set everything right on earth,
Set everything right, treat everyone fair.

We’ve got this really old Victorian tiled floor in our hallway. It’s beautiful but its broken. There’s this tiny triangle bit that pops out of its place in the floor and so keeps tripping us up as we walk by. It’s annoying and its worrying as it is starting to impact the other tiles around it – making them looser too.  

Psalm 96 celebrates how one day God will come and set everything right. Everything that’s broken and not in the right place in the world will be fixed and restored. The New Testament goes on to say that this will happen in Christ and through the power of his resurrection life (Col 1).

When things are broken in our lives or in the lives of people close to us, it can be extremely hard and difficult to entrust them to God to fix. Everything in us wants to hold tightly to the brokenness and fix it ourselves. We gradually realise we can’t; we’re ultimately powerless to fix them properly. It’s like me merely using some Sellotape on the tile in the hallway.

But we have a great and unshakeable hope – that God will one day restore ALL THINGS through Christ’s work on the cross and by the power of the Spirit. It may not be right here, right now (although sometimes it will be), but it will be a glorious restoration which we will see when Jesus comes again.

Reflect – Is there anything you need to loosen the grip on and entrust to God’s great hands? Unfinished business, broken tiles, the need for healing? It might help to write it down and then fold up the piece of paper and place it in Psalm 96 or Col 1 in your Bible as a sign of giving it to God. Trusting his eternal solutions, his eternal care.

Pray – Lord Jesus, I thank you that all the dislocated bits of the universe will be fixed and fitted together in you in perfect harmony. I thank you that I can trust in who you are and in what you’ve done and in your promises for my future. Please bring your restoring power to me today and to those I name before you now. Amen.


Dr Peppa


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