Forgive Me, I’m Forgetful

I moved house recently and soon realised I and my housemate had a mutual love for a trashy American TV drama about country music stars - niche right? Thus the inevitable ensued…. A BINGE! We are six seasons in and something has struck me. It’s been years since I watched earlier episodes and going back there is so much that I missed or have totally forgotten about. 

Sometimes it’s a good exercise to go back to the beginning. Over the next few days that is exactly what I want to do. I want to look at where it all began - Genesis 1 - and in the process I’ll highlight a few things that I, for one, all too easily forget in the hope they encourage you too.

My first takeaway is this…. It’s all about God. The Bible has a central focus, and that is made clear in the first four words ‘In the Beginning God.’ Sometimes I treat the Bible as a source of wisdom, morality, or direction. For sure it contains all those things; however, more than a book of good moral precepts, or a magic 8 ball we can consult in times of decision, the primary purpose is to reveal God. 

Every verse, chapter, book and testament, contains insight into his character, heart and person. Reading it any other way is like trying to make sense of your favourite tv show by focussing on the extras in the background - it’s difficult and you might miss the point sometimes. I believe God is always wanting to reveal himself to us and everything has something to teach us about who he is. The question is, do we have the right focus? 

What if God were trying to reveal himself to you today? What if he wanted to hijack your conversations over coffee or meet you in the mundane to-do list? Why not begin today, like the Bible begins.. with a focus on God.

Prayer — God forgive my forgetfulness. Help me remember it’s all about you. Would you reveal yourself to me today by any means you choose, however surprising. By this time tomorrow, may I know you a little bit better and love you a little bit more. 


God Is Present


You Got Something