Open Mind

Proverbs 16:9 (NIV) 

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

Some friends and I were updating each other on all that was happening in our lives. It came to a point where we realised that we were all at a stage of our lives where we had open space before us. Between us we were finishing up job roles, courses, and housing tenancies with not much certainty of what would come next. At that moment we had a choice, to succumb to the fear of the unknown or to choose to be in awe of all that God has in store. 

I know personally I chose the latter. I have been challenged by my desire to know every step of the journey. I would love to say I'm care-free but it is not my default state. I think that, if I insisted, God would let me go on being in control, revelling in my own plan (and almost certainly coming a cropper!) but the truth is there is so much more to his plan for me and it's guaranteed to be better!

I refuse to be content with a fragment of all that God wants me to experience. I know that a life surrendered to walking, hearing, living and being empowered by him is what will fully satisfy me. No agenda of my own could ever do that in totality. I have learnt to stop questioning 'how do I do this?'' and start questioning 'Who? Who is establishing my steps? Because if it’s the Lord I know things will be ok.

I’ve been challenged to open my mind. To create space to hear the Lord and respond to being led by him. Most importantly living a life surrendered, obedient and not fighting the things he reveals. These may be extremely daunting tasks, or they could look quite mundane; either way there is nothing like walking in the purposed path he has for us.


Prayer Lord, I trust the plans that you have for me are good. Give me the confidence to align my plans with your plans for my life.


Future Mind


Piece Of Mind