Turning Back To God

John 21:7(NIV)

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It is the Lord!'

As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, 'It is the Lord,' he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water.

You don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to know, swimming in your outdoor jacket is not the most appropriate swimwear. So why then did Peter bizarrely put on his outer garment to swim to Jesus in today’s passage? One version reads 'he was naked' in the boat. Was grabbing his coat an instinctive action to make himself decent for the encounter with Jesus?

Let’s think of the outer garment as symbolic. Remember Peter was devastated - his Lord and saviour had been crucified. He had also denied Jesus, not once but three times. He had left himself spiritually naked.

Some of us right now are like Peter: we think we have lost God’s covering and are feeling spiritually naked. Maybe, like him, we feel we have let Jesus down and can't be forgiven. Or maybe life is proving too difficult: a house sale has fallen through, or that manager is making work impossible for us, or the doctors haven't given us better news. We've given up. We’ve metaphorically 'removed our outer garment' in despair and defeat. Are you finding it hard to pray, to read even a single scripture, where once you were vibrant and eager?

God is telling us it's not too late to return to him; he is waiting for us

That is also true for the family and friends we are trusting God for. God is longing for them to return to him to show them his love. God is a God of restoration. He promises if we return to him, he will restore us so we will continue to serve him. Peter returned to Jesus, and Jesus gave him authority to build his church and used him mightily in his kingdom. Don’t allow the enemy to keep you away from a father whose arms are open wide, ready to receive you.  

Prayer Thank you God that you are a forgiving God and no matter how far I fall you can restore me. Thank you that it’s never too late to return to you.


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