‘Imma See For Myself’

1 Peter 2:25 (ESV) —

‘For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.’

Ariel Fitz-Patrick is a singer and content creator who creates skits with the aim of communicating the Bible in an engaging way. Some of her most popular skits involve one of the characters praying about a situation, getting the answer not to entertain the situation but then, instead of being obedient, she says the phrase, 'Imma see for myself'. Later in the skit, she returns to praying (complaining) that the situation has not worked out.

How many times have we all been in situations like this - we either forget to pray or we do pray, and then choose to go against God's advice only to find that the better solution would have been to pray and obey! We have effectively said, ’Imma see for myself ' and now we have to return to the Father for forgiveness and ask for a fresh way forward in his will. When we go astray, we find ourselves in all kinds of trouble, we find ourselves trapped, entangled and in the wilderness. The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 is a great example of this. Give it a read!

The key point in this verse is not the going astray but the returning to the Shepherd. Joel 2:13 says this '..return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.'

We serve a very patient God, who has limitless love. Return to him today.

Prayer - Lord, help me not to be an 'Imma-see-for-myself'' person but a faithful follower of your will.


The Earthquake


More Of Him, Less Of Me