The Earthquake

Acts 16: 25-26 (ESV) —

‘About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.’

The book of Acts is a book full of adventures of the early church. Earlier in the narrative, Luke, describes what Jesus did next after his resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the fast-paced nature of what occurred in the days that followed.

Today's verses describe an incident on Paul's second missionary journey. Paul had previously been travelling with Barnabas, but they decide to split (after some kind of disagreement) and Paul asks Silas to join him on this second journey to Asia Minor. However, they are redirected by the Spirit to Greece and we find them here imprisoned and praying and singing hymns in their cell at midnight!

 I love that the two things that resulted in the earthquake were prayer and worship to God. Paul and Silas spent time communicating with God and he sent a violent earthquake to free not only them but the prisoners who were listening to them. Their worship was a witness.

 Not only do I love that worship and prayer caused the earthquake, I feel challenged and inspired. I imagine that it wasn't tame worship or prayer but loud, raw, real honest prayer and worship. What would it look like if we got with each other and prayed and worshipped like Paul and Silas? What would we see change in our community and who would be set free as a result?

I would encourage you to not only read Acts 16 but also to find a group of friends to worship and pray with and trust God to bring breakthrough. 

Prayer - Lord, may our prayer and worship result in earthquakes of grace.


Wait…There’s More


‘Imma See For Myself’