Piece Of Mind

James 1:19 (NIV) 

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

Something or someone might get on your nerves today or you may already have an ongoing situation that has been frustrating and you feel like giving someone a 'piece of your mind.' I don’t think James is saying we shouldn’t ever feel angry but rather he is highlighting that anger does not have to control us. That we can choose to trust in God, let go of the need to defend ourselves, with the knowledge that he is our defender. 

We do life with people every day; conflict is almost guaranteed. The truth is we are all trying our best and are never fully aware of the burdens other people are carrying. There is power in being more concerned with understanding than being understood. Imagine if we all did that for each other! 

I believe we should reflect on James 1:19 for own behaviours, but we also have a duty to convey its truth to others we meet who are carrying anger and frustrations. So often when friends bring their anger against others to our table, we spend little time helping them see where the other parties are coming from. Sometimes, instead of diffusing the anger of our friends with helpful comments and encouragement, we fan the flames by colluding with them or even suggesting what our offended friend should go back and say!

What would it look like if we were quick to help people hear where someone else is coming from, or what the Lord says over that particular situation. What if we encouraged people to take time to unpack what it is they are trying to communicate and urge them to invite the Holy Spirit into their conflict.

In a culture that places too little value on understanding each other, let us, Jesus' friends, choose to prioritise it.


Prayer Lord, help me to be patient with others. Teach me the ways I can react better to others. Help me to acknowledge the truth that you are my defender.


Open Mind


Peace Of Mind