Practising Obedience

James 1:22 (NIV) —

‘Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.’

Today we are reminded that we honour God’s voice when we integrate what he says into our everyday lives; when we ‘do what it says’

There have been many times in my life when I’ve been slow to respond to his voice. Not because I didn’t think it was right or because I didn’t trust him, but because it was painful. It’s painful to lay down a dream, a desire, to step out and risk rejection, to put our reputation on the line, or have a conversation that might negatively impact a friendship or a relationship. 

In those times, the longer I’ve taken to align my active will to his voice, the more painful it has become. We can easily deceive ourselves into thinking that, if we leave things be, they will sort themselves out! I’ve found that the quicker I am to be obedient, the easier it is, and the more guidance God will give me. 

Listening to his voice requires being obedient to what he has spoken.

Whatever God is speaking into us today, let’s be quick to integrate it into our lives. Being faithful with what we have heard is the requirement for being trusted with more words that will bring life. The more that we live out his word and his will, the more he will speak and entrust to us. 

Let’s decide, without any delay, to take what we’re hearing him say to us and express that in our lives right now.

Prayer — Lord, forgive me when I’ve been passive, or have forgotten to do what you have said. Help me be quick to follow your voice.



