Proclamation! Proclamation! Proclamation!

1 Chronicles 16:8-10 (NIV) —

‘Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.’

Location! Location! Location! the world screams out – that’s what’s important. Living in the wrong place equates, it would seem, to having the wrong sort of life, missing out or being a failure.

We, as God’s children, know exactly the best location to be in, where we were created to be - worshipping God, his majestic greatness and Lordship over us and the world. When we become aware that we are in the right place, the location of his choosing, then we can begin proclamation, proclamation, proclamation.

First, proclaiming to ourselves who God is and his goodness to us. As we do this, we realign ourselves with the truth of our salvation; with the reality of being loved by the Creator of the universe and we are strengthened and empowered to proclaim him ‘among the nations’.

Proclaiming him to others, our friends, family and wider community, by our conversations and actions, always being ready to give the reason for what we believe and to introduce people to Jesus.

As we proclaim the name of God in community and fellowship, we enter his presence, glory in his name; our hearts rejoice with the grace of God, with the presence of God and with the power of God. He equips us to go out and proclaim his name, making the reality of relationship with him known in the part of the world we inhabit.

Prayer - Lord, let your praise be always on our lips. Equip us to make your name known in all the world.


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