The Many Lived Miracles

Psalms 77:10-12 (NIV) 

Then I thought: To this I will appeal: the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

There are so many miracles in the Bible. Yet there are so many more than we could ever know that Jesus has performed. Many more God has done than were ever recorded. We marvel at the raising of the dead, the splitting of the sea and the manna from heaven, but there were more then and even more today that he still performs. 

We may not have been there for the splitting of the sea or the raising of Lazarus. We may not have seen the bread fall from the sky; the Jericho walls fall, but many of us have lived through miracles. Our own sea-covered path that we couldn’t get through, yet God made a way. Our own circumstances or dry bones that’s seemed dead, yet God breathed it to life. Our own times of drought yet Jesus poured out his springs of living water. 

I encourage you today to sit with God, to remember all the ways in the Bible he has powerfully moved but also all the ways he parted the sea for you. Where he brought dead things to life. Where he won victories and battles in your life as you marched around your Jericho-room, desperately singing praises to his name. 

And if you can’t remember any miracles, ask him to show you: to reveal to you his hand in your life; to remind you of all the ways his love and grace has saved you. 

Take some time to thank him for all he has done, and let this remind you of his faithfulness, of his love for you. Let it increase your hope and expectancy for the more that is to be found in him today.

Prayer - Thank you Lord, for the many lived miracles in my life. Help me to see more of you in my days and may it lead to a deeper trust in and love for you. 


Through God’s Eyes


Not Just Another Monday